IMA student expands on Fulbright project exhibits VR project in Berlin and SXSW

IMA student Chloé Lee received the inaugural New Media Caucus Microgrant for her multi media project, Temporal World which is being exhibited in Vorspiel in Germany. Chloé received a 2021-22 Fulbright to start work on Temporal World at the Cluster of Excellence Matters of Activity, Humboldt Universität and the project is now slated to have its international premiere at SXSW! 

The project explores three places that Chloe has memories; NYC, Berlin and China.”Visitors are invited to explore a virtual world that emphasizes the ephemerality and impermanence of our environments and the similarly shifting nature of memory, playfully encouraging them to engage their senses in new ways.”

Chloé’s Temporal World Haptic Jacket was based on the Haptic Hanbok by Yoonha Kim, Maxime LeCalve, Mohammed Fardin Gholami which she got to experience at a recent residency at Matters of Activity for the Stretching Materialities exhibition at Tieranatomisches Theater. This Temporal World garment was created with the aim to recreate Chloe’s personal vibrational experience in which she composed custom haptic sensations while wearing the jacket.
Chloé developed the fabric jacket with fashion designer Dru Blumensheid and engineer Fardin Gholami and it translates sound from the virtual world using arduino technology into vibrational feedback onto 42 points on the upper body, including the neck, arms, fingertips. 

Congrats to Chloé on this evolving collaborative project.
More info:

Director/Producer: Chloé Lee
VR Experience, VR Experience Developer: Lucas Martinic 
Garment Designer/Fabricator: Dru Blumensheid of Bumesi
Hardware Engineer: Mohammed Fardin Gholami
Advisors: Victor Minces, Isaac Munoz, and IMA Professor Kara Lynch
Exhibition Installation Designer: Gözde Güngör
Production Assistant: Anna Berlin
Copy Writer: Sabin Devins