IMA recent graduate is highlighted by Tribeca Film Festival and interviewed by NYWIFT

Recent IMA graduate Fredgy Noël is highlighted by the Tribeca Film Festival and she was also interviewed by NYWIFT (New York Women in Film and Television) about her work. 

Fredgy’s words about her work highlighted on the Tribeca Film Festival instagram feed: ““Intersectionality… I see an openness in the culture, in the African American culture, of being open to other kinds of ways of being Black. You know, [being] Black and sound[ing] like me, even though English was not my first language. I was born here, but then I grew up in Haiti.And for years I used to get crap for how I sound because I sound “not Black”, but there are lots of other Black people who sound like me who are doing things and who are out there, and there’s no judgment. It doesn’t feel that if it’s not a certain way, then it’s not okay. I’m feeling like I can be myself more in the creative space – and that’s due to all of the different kinds of creators that you find within the diaspora.”

And read the full interview from New York Women and Film and Television here: