IMA alum Candace Thompson is part of an event on Thursday April 20, 6:30pm at the Museum of the City of New York, co-hosted by MOFAD (Museum of Food and Drink) called “Urban Ecosystems: Living Among the Plants, Animals and Fungi of NYC”. It will be “an evening of storytelling with a group of NYC foragers, farmers, land stewards, community gardeners, and seed savers” with locally foraged food. Candace’s IMA thesis was an extensive urban ecological multimedia research project called The C.U.R.B. (The Collaborative Urban Resilience Banquet) and after graduating from IMA she has been working as the land steward and manager of Solar 1’s Stuy Cove Park where she has produced community events and workshops about food, climate and social justice.
All info about the event here:
And more about Candace’s work: