The IMA community is screening films at the acclaimed DOC NYC Film Festival, the largest documentary film festival in the country. November 9 – 27
All info and tickets:
On Wednesday, November 9th at 9:15pm and Sunday, November 13th at 11am at Cinépolis Chelsea, alum Alex Mallis is screening his film, Shut Up and Paint which was co-produced by Titus Kaphar as part of the program, Shortlist Shorts: Admiring Crafts

Shut Up and Paint | Directors: Titus Kaphar, Alex Mallis
Celebrated artist Titus Kaphar takes the mic and camera to share his thoughts on race and the art market. Courtesy of POV Shorts (USA, 21 MIN)
On Thursday, November 10th starting at 11:30am at Cinépolis Chelsea, graduating student Fredgy Noël is screening her poetic doc, The House of Labeija in a program called, All about Love.

The House of Labeija | Director/Producer: Fredgy Noël, Hunter College
Meet the House of LaBeija, a prominent ballroom family and safe haven for transgender women, queer people, and those in need of community. (USA, 10 MIN)
On Thursday, November 10th at 1:15pm and Wednesday November 16th at 2pm at Cinépolis Chelsea, alum Jeremy S. Levine is screening his film, The Panola Project which was co-produced by Rachael DeCruz as part of the program, Shortlist Shorts : Change Makers.

The Panola Project | Directors / Producers: Jeremy S. Levine, Rachael DeCruz
This subtle yet engaging documentary features Dorothy Oliver as she organizes to keep her rural Alabama town safe from COVID-19 by vaccinating everyone. Courtesy of The New Yorker (USA, 17 MIN)
On Thursday, November 10th starting at 1:45pm at Cinépolis Chelsea, student Claire Kinnen is screening her audio first experimental doc, The Secret Sobriety Project in a program called What Bonds Us.

The Secret Sobriety Project | Director/Producer: Claire Kinnen, Hunter College
The Secret Sobriety Project explores the quiet side of sobriety—private moments of joy, and the connection and support the sober community creates for each other. (USA, 7 MIN)
On Thursday, November 10th starting at 4pm at Cinépolis Chelsea, recent alum Asya Gorbacheva is screening her thesis film, At Home Among Strangers in a program called Portraits.

At Home Among Strangers | Director/Producer: Asya Gorbacheva, Hunter College This intimate observational portrait of Sasha Smirnov, a gay asylum seeker, explores the steep price of freedom after coming out publicly in Russia. (USA, 24 MIN)
On Friday, November 11th starting at 11:15am at Cinépolis Chelsea, three students are included in a program called The Artists. Nate Dorr, Azia Egbe and Yehui Zhao.

Light Leak | Director: Nate Dorr, Producer: Zach Nader, Hunter College
Light is information, a signal more lasting than recollection. If there’s anyone out there to receive the message. (USA, 8 MIN)

Shadow Girl | Director/Producer: Azia Egbe, Hunter College
This experimental hybrid documentary addresses the erasure/invisibility and the anxiety surrounding identity while living abroad. (USA, 5 MIN)

Hei’er | Director: Yehui Zhao, Producer: Andrew Felsher, Hunter College
Director Yehui Zhao uses a mannequin to embody the spirit of Lin Hei’er, the leader of the Red Lanterns who resisted colonial invasions during late Qing Dynasty, China. (USA, China, 21 MIN)
On Friday November 11th at 1:50pm at IFC Center, feature doc Wisdom Gone Wild is screening in which faculty member Reiko Tahara is an associate producer. Info and tickets.

Wisdom Gone Wild | Director: Rea Tajiri | Producer: Rea Tajiri, Sian Evans; Associate Producer Reiko Tahara
NYC PREMIERE A meticulous documenting of the filmmaker’s mother as she gradually slips into the grip of dementia. Rea Tajiri is both a witness and a participant in a process of remembrance and archiving; throughout this moving collaboration, the mother and daughter switch roles between daughter, mother, survivor, and documentarian. Without falling into the trappings of nostalgia, the film meditates on life, time, and love, while confronting a monumental loss. – Bedatri Choudhury
On Friday, November 11th starting at 4pm at Cinépolis Chelsea, student Emma Rose Brown is screening film, Bach at Noon in a program called Life in the Big Apple.

Bach at Noon | Director/Producer: Emma Rose Brown, Hunter College
Since September 11th, 2001, New Yorkers have been taking refuge in a brief, daily, sea of sound pouring from the cavernous interior of Grace Church. Hidden from the bustle of Broadway, the “Bach at Noon” concert series offers respite from our troubled city. (USA, 9 MIN)
All the films will also be screening online throughout the festival, November 9 – 27. For all info and tickets: