The IMA Program currently offers paid tech fellowships and adjunct teaching positions. There is an application process and students most often are awarded positions after their first semester.
Tech Fellowship
Three IMA students work as Tech Fellows providing technical support for the Film and Media Studies Department. The Tech Fellow appointment is for 1 – 2 years, with a commitment of ten hours of work per week. Each year, a new Tech Fellow is chosen through an application and interview process. Positions will be advertised on the IMA listserv.

Teaching Opportunities
Teaching experience is one of the outstanding opportunities offered by the IMA Program. We are committed to fostering teaching experiences for qualified IMA students, as a learning opportunity, as a means for professional growth, and as a source of income. IMA students are encouraged to apply for consideration for an adjunct lab instructor position. Compensation for teaching is governed by the contractual adjunct teaching rates in effect at Hunter College.
The foundation production courses for the Film and Media Studies Department’s undergraduate majors, MEDP/FILMP 150 (Media in a Digital Age) and 160 (Media and Film in a Digital Age), are organized with a large lecture and weekly lab section typically taught by IMA students.
Approximately ten IMA students teach in the department each semester. Usually, IMA students teach for two consecutive semesters; the program has a two-semester limit so that other IMA students have the chance to teach.
Teaching positions are advertised on our IMA listserv which you would subscribe to soon after becoming a student.
IMA students are eligible to apply to teach either Media 150 or Media 160 after taking the required IMA classes, Documentary 1 and Emerging Media 1
At times qualified IMA alumni and occasionally current students with previous professional experience teach other undergraduate Film and Media Studies courses, such as Internet and Society, Understanding New Media, Representations of Race in the Media, Myths and Images in the Media, Concepts in Gaming, Women and the Media, Media and Society, Advanced Gender and Media, Desktop Publishing, Portable Video Production, Developing Video Documentary, Documentary Editing, Advanced Documentary Editing, Sound Design, Experimental Production, Web Production I, Web Production II, Web Programming, Game Programming, Digital Design and Usability, and Interactive Media Production.